Design Sojourn

Thursday, May 11, 2006

To comment or not to comment?

Ugh! Doh! Stupid me, I realized that I had turned on comment moderation but turned off comment notification! Imagine, here I was bemoaning why no one was leaving comments on my blog?

I was pleasantly surprised today on all the comments left on my blog from the past and immediately approved them all. I have also since modified the settings to get notifications for future comments!

So I like to apologize for not replying to all your comments, and will do so from now on, so please leave more!

:: posted by Unknown, 2:24 pm


Since you already have comment moderation on? Why still use the captcha? Sometimes, it's quite a hassle for people who want to leave comments...

Just a thought :)
Blogger zhi yang, at 11 May, 2006 20:31  
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Blogger Unknown, at 12 May, 2006 10:26  
oh i see, you mean the visual verification? Hmm i supposed the visual verification is for bots. Ok i like your idea but decided to turn off the comment moderation instead, as i like a healthy discussion on the topics i posts. Otherwise i'll need to come back and approve it!
Blogger Unknown, at 12 May, 2006 10:29  

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