Design Sojourn

Thursday, April 20, 2006

10 Tips on landing you an ID job

I think this is a big issue for many the graduating designers. So I have compiled 10 Tips of things they don’t really tell you. This is based from my personal experience and from other design professionals that I have spoken to.

1. The 10% Reality
I think this is the biggest tip I can give and something nobody likes to talk about. Only about 10% of any graduating ID cohort will find a job right out of school as industrial designers. Yes that is the hard reality. Many fresh grads need to come to terms with this, and move on. How to move on, we’ll see below.

Many ID grads become just as successful but in other design or non-design related professions. I have ID friends who become owners of their own Interior Design or 3D CAD businesses, or even internet marketing managers. I have also a friend who is a successful writer and drama/play critic. As you can see, you still can be successful in what ever you do. Take heed an ID degree arms you with problem solving analytical skills vital in any organization.

For the record, I was not one of this 10%. I graduated just out of the top 10% of my cohort.

2. Be true to yourself and know what you want
This leads me to the next point. You now need to look deep inside and be true to yourself and your dreams. Do you really want to be a designer? If you really want to be an designer, you will need to recognize the path will be long and hard and will need to put in a lot of work to be one.

Determination, passion, persistence and drive to work hard are the key, as the road will not be easy. Notice I left out creativity and ability to design? Creativity is important, but the difference between the great designers and the so-so designers is really the first few points.

I have seen many designers complain on how they cannot find a job, but don’t do much to help themselves by improving their own skills and work first.

3. Figure out your strengths and weakness
This is also a very important point, and ties back in to the point above. You need to face the mirror and tell yourself you suck in this X design skill or that ability….its humble pie, and a good exercise.

Its funny, I have interviewed candidates who are totally oblivious of their own ability! They go on bragging about their work and how good it is when in reality they are no where close. Perhaps its confidence and bravado, but you need substance to back it up, and if you don’t have substance, you are totally off track.

What a budding designer needs to do is literally sit down and write out his strengths and weakness. And you need to be totally honest and frank about it. You may also want to talk to people who know you well, like your fellow design graduates or school lecturers. Also look at the portfolios at core77 or at, see how people react to good design work, and by noting the fine points, you can learn to do good design work too!

The worst thing you can do is announce strengths you think you have, but in reality are not your real strengths. This process is also important when you go for an interview as you can tell your prospective employer what you can do best.

The other reason for this listing exercise is to look at your weakness and improve on it. Suck in sketching (as I was), go out to buy sketching books and practice. Suck in presentation and speaking skills, look for self-help books or attend classes. During my time of unemployment (6-8months) when I graduated, I was in book stores almost 3-4 times a week and the rest of the time working on my portfolio, and improving my skills.

4. Portfolio presentation and improvement
Ah, another of my favorite topic. I won’t touch so much on portfolio and resume design and execution because there are lots of articles on this. But what I want to say about this is this point. Nobody else can be as excited about your portfolio as you! Your portfolio is your crowning glory. You must be proud of it and thus only show work you are proud to show. If you have to apologize for a piece of work, take it out!

You will be surprised to hear that there are a lot of tired designers droning on and on about their work with little enthusiasm, or portfolios full of white fungus with bits falling out. If you don’t take time or effort to prepare you work, how can an employer feel confident you will take the same effort for their design work?

Another thing is always look to improve your portfolio at least once a year. This way you take the effort to collect the pictures and data required, and not have to panic if you don’t have the images. Every 6 months even, if you have the time. It’s a good habit to have and ensures that you will be prepared when that juicy job opportunity arises.

5. Cold calls and attend as many interviews as possible and ask for feedback
Many great job opportunities are passed by word of mouth only, especially in the creative field. So pluck up the courage and cold call the design organizations directly. At the very least, just ask to put your resume/portfolio on file so that when something comes up they will call you. If you are lucky, they may call you up for a chat, and you will have your foot in the door! Also you could be referred to other organizations that are looking. I have been asked for recommendations and even have resume/portfolios passed to me from others. The trick is to get into the thick of things by making your self know to the design community.

This leads me to the next thing about interviews. Attend as many interviews as you can manage and don’t be afraid. Its nerve wracking at first, but the idea is the more you attend the better you get at selling yourself and answering questions. Soon you will know of keywords employers like to hear and you can use this skill over and over again in anything that you do.

Also interviews are a great place to get feedback from professional designers. That’s the most important thing a budding designer can get when he/she starts out. But you will need to ask. This is because most people will actually not tell you. It’s also a nice way to end the interview, as it shows your keenness to improve one self.

6. Network: Ask bosses out for lunch, talk to people
This is kind of an extension of the last point, but it can be a life of its own. If you seem to get along with an interviewer, take that fellow out for lunch and have a chat. Outside of the job environment, you can get a lot of soft information. For example what is the design culture in that organization like or how is the design scene like in that area/country etc.

Also attend talks and designer activities and talk to other fellow designers whom already have a design job to get their opinion of things as well as your work.

However you need to temper this a little, and don’t go overboard. Otherwise people start to think the only thing you do is network instead of do actual work!

7. Look for a mentor
I have been blessed with someone that really took the time to look over my work and gave me fantastic feedback. I had met him when I interviewed with him for a job at his organization. He has somehow been quietly in the background all these years giving me feedback on and off. (Though we lost touch for about 3-4 years) Recently I hunted him down and now I talk to him maybe once a year. Unknowingly he actually was my unofficial mentor, and of everything I have done, I have learnt the most from him with actually very little input from his side.

So I do encourage you to look for a mentor or someone that will take the time to guide you. Don’t ask anybody that comes along, make sure that person likes you and has your best interests at heart.

The great thing is they can come from anywhere, just keep your eyes open.

8. Do any job you can find, but make sure it’s at least remotely ID related
That’s right people. If you have to pick between doing freelance career to finding a job, pick the job. This is because being in a design job is not only about doing design. Being on job you learn so much more things, like administrative matters, dealing with colleagues and such.

However do ensure that it’s at least related in some way to design. The product development process is a very long one and an ID graduate can actually work in any place down and up stream in the process.

I spent the first 3-4 years of my life doing all kinds of things, and it has really given me a strong foundation in my career as a designer. I was designing ethnic Asian furniture, bending metal and acrylic for kiosks, sanding/painting rapid prototype parts, and even project managing Tender projects.

Just make sure you communicate your work scope to each new employer you interview with.

9. Freelance work and going it on your own.
A lot of people go “well I can’t find a job so I’ll start my own business”. Yes that’s a good plan to have but it should be a medium term one. Unlike the other design professions, industrial design is an extremely complex and rigorous profession. Thus my advice is spend a few years in the work force to learn the finer details and do freelance work at night to build your portfolio.

On the side, to date I actually have not heard of any successful designer or founders of design organizations that started straight out of school. Most worked for a few years before going out on their own.

Another thing about freelance work, is that most companies do not like the fact you do freelance work,. If you do any freelance work, make sure it’s not related to the work of the company you work for. For example if you are designing taps and bathroom fittings, make sure you don’t do the same for someone else. Use freelance work instead as exposure to other fields and to broaden your portfolio. Also keep the work out of the office. It is tempting to combine the two, but it’s a “firing” offense for most companies.

Freelancing and sub-contracting work for companies you want to work for is also another means of getting your foot in the door. But I do caution, if you are already employed its considered as working for another company. However if you are currently un-employed, as I was when I did this, it’s a good opportunity for a prospective employer to see how you perform in a work situation. I was actually offered a job after my freelance project!

10. Keep in touch
Last but not least, keep a black book of your contacts, and keep in-touch with your prospective employers.

Design companies constantly get tons of resumes and people looking for a job. You don’t want your resume to be at the bottom of the pile, so by calling up once or twice a year, you move to the top of the pile, and when a job arises, you could be the first they think of, as its very likely are design organizations are often small and flat in reporting structure. Plus any company likes a potential enthusiastic employee.
:: posted by Unknown, 12:01 pm | link | 2 comments |

Monday, April 10, 2006

Sigh, been up to my eyeballs in work and developing content for this forum, come visit all you design junkies!
:: posted by Unknown, 2:32 pm | link | 0 comments |